The Gift

I was at the office when Adik texted me that I got a parcel. A book to be more specific and asked me wheather she can open it or not.




Of course I said no and by that time I’m all excited. I quickly finish up the task I’m doing and woosshhhh, go home.


All smiles while driving because I can actually guessed, who it’s from.


Came home, ripped open the packaging and I was stunned when I see this…



..and yeah it’s from the person that I guessed. I took a deep breath, stare at it for quite sometime slap my self a little and think, maannn what have I done that I deserve such a lovely, beautiful gift?

No words can describe how I feel.. this is seriously one of the most beautiful thing I ever received.


Thank you.



Pray Hard


In the name of Allah, most gracious & most merciful.

I’m putting on hope and effort to move forward and pursue my dreams.


Pray (hard) for me, folks!




The 9th Month

When 2011 started, I didn’t really put on much hope in it. I just ended the relationship that I thought would be it, dad’s health started to deteriorate and some other thing that made me nervous to go through the year.


As cliche as it sound, time really flies and next thing I know it’s already September!


And little did I realized that quite a load of good things actually happen this year. I got to do things that always in my mind but never had the guts to do it, there are surprises that I never thought I will get it, there are feelings that I never imagine that I could ever be in it…and so many other things.


It’s the 9th month and I couldn’t be more grateful and thankful for what Allah has granted me, and my family..


I,personally will always remember this year for what it has done to my self.. The path that is finally shown, the calmness that I finally found and the chance that is granted for me to rectify all the damage that has been done for the past 2 over decades… Which I am ashamed of and pray that it could be forgiven…

Just one thing that I want, and will always ask from Allah, is for this feeling to always stay.. For the life of my family, my friends and I will always be guided and we will always be in the right path..

Heelloooo World

Ini lah Monday paling ceria dalam hidup aku sebab as I typed this, aku masih dalam selimut. Hihi.

Itu gelak eksyen campur gelak nervous sebab tau esok masuk office mesti banyak malapetaka.

Which reminds me ada few things aku kena settle harini. Cehhhh tak la cuti sangat!

Tapi still nak pose2 ceria sebab kita tak boleh bazirkan masa yang ada. Oleh itu, aku nak pergi mandi sekarang dan menjadi produktifffff.