Turn..and random.

I guess when you feel everything else in this world is moving so fast except you, when you feel so uninspired and demotimavated, what you should do is let it out, get the right advise, go out and meet the right people, you will be inspired ALL over again and start new. You know, instead of sit and whine and question whyyy the world is falling apart and be sad.


apparently new resolution doesn’t have to wait for new year. It can start as soon as you want it to be.


afterall you are the one who determine how your life should be. everybody in this world have 24 hours a day so everbody spend the same time as you do so you decide yourdelf how to use your own 24 hours.


gah! all those are monolog.


Oh well, Ramadhan reaching it’s end. How was yours?


Mine was….hmmm…oh well. Started off quite well but towards the end, I started to loose the grip.




But I’m still happy tho. It is better than previous years that I had. I am so so grateful for the light and path guided by the Almighty. Alhamdulillah..

I have learnt. I have learnt that the BIGGEST rahmat of all is hidayah..


Have a pleasent Ramadhan people. Make the best use of it while it’s still around. And have the blast Syawal.


Allah is so generous..